Other Shiz > Boneyard


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This player has been a complete nusance ever since I met him, He constantly bombs me with his E2 bombs and always ends up banning me for 60 mins for no reason, The latest reason which occured at 3:03 PM Western North American time he had be kicked for calling him "Yomi" instead of "Yomo" and every time I go to the server I get banned by him, When I voteban him he always manages to bypass the ban by using some sort of hack, Please do something about him.

Your amazing proof is amazing. :o

he does randomly ban (for 60 mins) and minge alot... i got to support this :l

im not ban you 60 min.
please no lie.
and who is you im not kick Jake


>Western North American time

>bombs me with his E2 bombs
im not spawn e2 today

>"Yomi" instead of "Yomo" and every time
yomi is wrong idiot

>ban by using some sort of hack,
im not hacking

>banning me for 60 mins for no reason

I am see yomo in rANdOm Server

Yomo is truth
Andrew is lie


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