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RND in 3d
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 18, 2010, 03:01:57 PM ---Lol looks nice, but could be very annoying sometime when you just want to check stuff and logout =\
EDIT: I just tried it......I facepalmed so fucking hard, I had to use internet explorer for it which is fookin slow, then it took so much time to load, and when it loaded everything was laggy and looked like shit......
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LMAO your computer sucks.. the only reason why it load slow for me in the video is because i was taking a video LMAO
holy haba baba!
--- Quote from: Shawn on July 18, 2010, 03:58:29 PM ---LMAO your computer sucks.. the only reason why it load slow for me in the video is because i was taking a video LMAO
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And when I'm saying it loads slow COMPARED to how it loads in Google chrome, in that 3d shit it took like 7-8 seconds, in Google chrome it takes 1 second lawl, and it's mainly my shitty net, cause my computer is very good lol
Maybe I'll check this out lol, looks crazy
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 19, 2010, 01:42:33 AM ---LOL MY COMPUTER SUX HAHAHAHAHAA not.
And when I'm saying it loads slow COMPARED to how it loads in Google chrome, in that 3d shit it took like 7-8 seconds, in Google chrome it takes 1 second lawl, and it's mainly my shitty net, cause my computer is very good lol
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Takes me 0.5 seconds to load with IE Therefore your computer sucks.. i love how eveyone says this brosower is faster then IE But yet my pages load faster then all of you. Simple if you know how to use a program it works great if you don't then it won't.
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