Other Shiz > Boneyard
random perma ban
--- Quote from: Moo on July 17, 2010, 11:58:25 PM ---ya i obviously dont tell them the reason and tell them to stop, your totally right, i never say anything i just ban random for shits n giggles, i told u u were right, i hold grudges so ill just ban u when i see u, since i hold grudges kthxbai
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this is w/e happens when u try reasoning -.-
Well actually about 1/2 the time all I see is this...
This server is running .:`-~rANdOm~'-=:. anti-cheat version 0.2!
Half of the people in the server: Hey guise let's have a prop war!
ItchyDani3l: You guys do know that you're not allowed to do that right?
Moo: Hey I'm just going to go ahead and ban anyone trying to prop kill.
Half of the people in the server have disconnected.
Half of the people in the server banned for reason "a".
And by the way moo this is my honest opinion. I just don't see you give very many warnings.
Oh yeah, and that time that you actually did that you did ban some people that weren't prop killing :P
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 18, 2010, 10:21:54 AM ---Well actually about 1/2 the time all I see is this...
This server is running .:`-~rANdOm~'-=:. anti-cheat version 0.2!
Half of the people in the server: Hey guise let's have a prop war!
ItchyDani3l: You guys do know that you're not allowed to do that right?
Moo: Hey I'm just going to go ahead and ban anyone trying to prop kill.
Half of the people in the server have disconnected.
Half of the people in the server banned for reason "a".
And by the way moo this is my honest opinion. I just don't see you give very many warnings.
Oh yeah, and that time that you actually did that you did ban some people that weren't prop killing :P
--- End quote ---
and none of them were proping :O
actaully they are and i do, but ur right of course, once again, i just ban... right?i never say a word just BAN ALL thats my motto
Holy shit do it even more
Never seen such a LOLful thing as a lot of people getting banned for reason 'a'.
Moo wins. Flawless victory.
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