Other Shiz > Boneyard
random perma ban
sanders add my steam then... you need to eventualy anyways so i can sexualy harrass you..
Dude, it was only a temp ban. Coolz and Moo were talking about it on ts.
temp for over an hour, i KNOW that, cause i checked back in AFTER 1 hour, thats why i think perma...
regardless, it was a random ban, and i lost an hour of work :<
Marked One you should have not made a thread. You should have just talked to Moo about it.
Making threads like this isn't showing Moo that you deserve to NOT be banned.
Step 1.) Talk to Moo
Step 2.) ? ? ?
Step 3.) Profit
Marked ...
Honestly, you're a huge crybaby. You report every little minge, every little ban, every kick, EVERY BULLSHIT.
I got banned for no reason a lot before, and I think I only made two reports so far. If you get banned by an admin, TALK TO THE ADMIN, especially when the admin that banned you is Moo.
Moo isn't a mindless banning machine monster, JUST_FUCKING_TALK_TO_HIM.
And stop reporting everyone. It's useless.
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