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--- Quote from: Leon Scott Kennedy on July 17, 2010, 10:00:47 PM ---Yea but then he goes ahead and reports me for no reason at all! All I did was say "umad?" when he dissed my suggestions like some pissed off puerto rican,and then he reported me,besides you guys do it to me all the damn time,take a joke man damn...

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--- Quote from: Leon Scott Kennedy on July 17, 2010, 10:00:47 PM ---Yea but then he goes ahead and reports me for no reason at all! All I did was say "umad?" when he dissed my suggestions like some pissed off puerto rican,and then he reported me,besides you guys do it to me all the damn time,take a joke man damn...

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No reason at all? DUDE!
IT WAS A MOTHERFUCKIN' THREAD ABOUT MOTHERFUCKIN' SUGGESTIONS THAT NEED TO BE TAKEN MOTHERFUCKIN' SERIOUS. Saying "umad?" and then posting two posts containing the same unfunny bullshit isn't a joke, and if it is, it's an embarassingly bad one.
Also, how is this "dissing your suggestions like a pissed off puerto rican"?

--- Quote from: DoeniDon on July 17, 2010, 12:40:50 AM ---Leon, your "suggestions" would just make it so much easier for humans. Crossbow can be good when used right, health stations are JUST fine and if you really want SMG ammo, just drop all your weapons except the SMG. It's not hard.

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Please, just get the fuck out. No one likes trolls like you.

Leon Scott Kennedy:
At least Im not here cussing you out like some myppl wanna be like saying:FUCK YOU BITCH GO TO HELL or some shit like that,if I WAS a troll thats what I would be doing,next time when you report me,have a good reason

I wonder a thing...

Is Leon a fucking hardcore troll who has succeeded at trolling the whole community, or is he a complete idiot?


--- Quote from: Franchu95 ! on July 17, 2010, 10:10:43 PM ---I wonder a thing...

Is Leon a fucking hardcore troll who has succeeded at trolling the whole community, or is he a complete idiot?

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If he's not a troll, I feel kinda sorry for him ...
Also stop smiting me Leon, it's a faggotry move.


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