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RND ZS Game Cover!
Why don't you use the ZS weapons?
That's like making a cover for Call of Duty 7 that has a huge Masterchief in front.
Leon Scott Kennedy:
im probaly going to use high res more tactical models of the zs weapons,the stalker m4 is going to be the M4 with the M203 and scope,and im going to try my best to find more models for the other zs weapons,like maybe a scoped deagle? or maybe a silenced UMP? oh wait yea theres this awesome ass epic tactical UMP with holographic sight,flashlight,silencer,and a bigger clip,so im going to use that,plus this gold dragon deagle
Leon Scott Kennedy:
arrghhh im having some technical difficulties while making it,stupid ass checkerboard is in the metal materials background,the blood wont work (meaning that it wont leme paint blood on the walls),and the fog work work on fort,great,so im probaly going to do it another map,im putting a backside cover also,so ill have more screenshots
Leon Scott Kennedy:
Okay now im done with the back cover photos,but i havnt even started on the front cover yet so be patient
I like them, especially the last one.
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