Other Shiz > Boneyard

Unban me please

(1/2) > >>

Why you were banned: nick(???)

Who banned you?: something hit me with banhammer from corner i did not see what
How long were you been banned for: 10 minutes

Why should we Unban you?: that will not happen again

Server: TTT

Extra Comments:
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Perma-banned because of your name, vist www.randomgs.co.cc to resolve.

P.S Alt+255


--- Quote from: morfin on July 12, 2010, 09:54:58 AM ---Your SteamID:
Why you were banned: nick(???)

Who banned you?: automated system i think

How long were you been banned for: 10 minutes

Why should we Unban you?: that will not happen again

Extra Comments:
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Perma-banned because of your name, vist www.randomgs.co.cc to resolve.

P.S Alt+255

--- End quote ---
What server?


"How long were you been banned for" wut?

» Magic «:
What was your name o_o


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