Tech Lounge > General

Forum error

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Basically every other thread i try to read i get this instead... Anyone else having this problem?

devvybabe ♥:
Yeah I have it too
Took me like 45 minutes to open this thread, click "post" and I'm assuming for it to post, itll take forever as well..


server might of been overloaded

ive been getting this alot also, thoguh its been fine last 5 days... granted i was in russia for 4 of them
whaat does a 503 error even mean?


--- Quote from: Marked_One_KIA on July 11, 2010, 07:10:53 PM ---whaat does a 503 error even mean?

--- End quote ---

The 503 Service Unavailable error is an HTTP status code that means the web site's server is simply not available at the moment


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