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Greedy Steam
Steam is so greedy look how much space it wants on my HD this is crazy.....
--- Quote from: Shawn on July 11, 2010, 09:53:45 AM ---Steam is so greedy look how much space it wants on my HD this is crazy.....
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Lol how much GB you have on your HDD?
36 GB isn't alot for today's modern computers =P
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 11, 2010, 09:55:38 AM ---Lol how much GB you have on your HDD?
36 GB isn't alot for today's modern computers =P
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Not the point its still greedy, i have many other games on here that don't even come close to the amount steam needs....
--- Quote from: Shawn on July 11, 2010, 10:06:43 AM ---Not the point its still greedy, i have many other games on here that don't even come close to the amount steam needs....
--- End quote ---
I have Mass Effect 2 which takes 14 GB lol and GTA IV which takes 15 GB, that alone is almost 30GB =P
on my main pc, i had like 15 steam games installed and it took up around 60 GB maybe? but i had 440 GB free out of 1100 GB.
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