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Where did ruben go

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Cake Face:

Its liek...he vanished out of thin air. All teh fun we had together...me, him, and an old banned member named zerok back in the day where we had that map by dragonvech.

Did he accidentally fall for the ol' spray paint free candy on a white van trick?

Hes prolly in a corner smoking pot somewhere. That why i was gone :P

Nah, he's just busy with school.


--- Quote from: ๖ۣۖ∑ÐÐY on July 10, 2010, 03:35:05 PM ---Nah, he's just busy with school.

--- End quote ---
School in the summer. Sounds like hell :P

I got summer classes and im still here. Idk summer classes dont take that much of you time.


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