Other Shiz > Boneyard

hkill Ghosting Multiple Times :/

(1/30) > >>

On TTT we were playing like normal fine and all. But then hkill joins the game. As spectator he starts telling everyone who's the traitor by changing his name like Dex did... We all told him to stop constantly but he ignored us and continued to ghost... so I am forced to make this report :/.

I don't have the Steam ID right now but I will soon.

Teh images: (Don will be posting on in comments as well)

Steam Id coming soon.

...Good way to get you banned...
Seriously wtf are you doing -.-.

hkill, I'm very disappointed of you.
Screenshot of my console showing that arggg is the traitor.


--- Quote from: hkill415 on July 08, 2010, 02:02:07 PM ---does it really matter random is so unorganized so ill probally never get banned just like crit nick
because the admins are lazy and just not good admins
ex:magic he is the LAZYEST ADMIN I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!

--- End quote ---
Stfu you idiot RND has some of the best admins I've seen -.-. And how the hell's it not organized?
Ffs you already made yourself look like a douchebag with your posts before, you're making it a lot worse now -.-.

RnD by far better then any other cracked server, and is better then prolly 80% of the un-cracked servers


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