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Frank's Global Moderator Application

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Let's just stop going off-topic on every damn thread and at least try to stay on Topic a bit <3

But we all know Frank is cool and he will be awesome mod. What is there to talk about.


--- Quote from: Peetah on July 15, 2010, 04:51:20 PM ---But we all know Frank is cool and he will be awesome mod. What is there to talk about.

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Thanks for the support, Peetah. You're an awesome dude and friend.

Also, thx for thy bump, Donnie.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Кгձรհεг on July 13, 2010, 02:56:40 PM ---how about Frank would do a better job than you :>

--- End quote ---

How about you failed at getting admin :>


--- Quote from: » Magic « on July 16, 2010, 03:13:51 PM ---How about you failed at getting admin :>

--- End quote ---
How about PWNED LOL.
I lol'd. Now keep up the bitchfight pl0x.


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