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Frank's Global Moderator Application
--- Quote from: deathward on July 10, 2010, 11:58:29 AM ---You called Frank a troll, isn't that being personal? :<
Anyhow, I've been here for a month, but I think Frank would be a good mod.
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I meant he is a cool guy in game and stuff, but i wouldn't trust him with the forums.
>I've been here a month, and I think Frank would be a good mod.
But still its not like if he became mod this forum would be in great trouble.
Anyways its always cool to have alittle luls here and there.
Frank is good at that u know.
+1, everyone has told everything that is epic about Frank already :P
He's also be pretty let back but he won't rule it with an iron fist *cough*artik*cough* sorry, I have a cold.
--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on July 11, 2010, 12:21:35 AM ---+1, everyone has told everything that is epic about Frank already :P
He's also be pretty let back but he won't rule it with an iron fist *cough*artik*cough* sorry, I have a cold.
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Just so you know, in other forums there are moch more strict mods and the community there is great, no one whining about that too, I thought this community will be much better if I'll be a little strict, but I learned the hard way that this community doesn't like strict.....AT ALL lol
I'm changing my vote to +1, cause most of you put +1 and I just don't care anymore if the forum will be full with spammers and trolls or not, if Frank will make this community better then good, if not then idgaf (Coolz can always demote him n stuph)
--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on July 11, 2010, 12:21:35 AM ---*cough*artik*cough* sorry, I have a cold.
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Srsly? With the Artik thing agian.... Come on grow up, move on. Let things stay in the past.
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