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I need help...

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First off i have fallen and can't get up.jk.

Ok I wanted to let people to know I'm studying c++ programing.

Now the real problem I want to change my ip address without fucking with the modem and I found a code to renew my ip (notepad .bat code), but my ip stays at  here is a screenshot:

Did you get the idea from youtube?

PM me the code. might be on purpose, damn trolls.

That's not your IP there, do    ipconfig /all    in the CMD, your IP is supposed to be somewhere under the 2nd title and above subnet mask =D

Well first problem, Your using antivirus! jk lol. Couldnt you just change it to a static ip?


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 06, 2010, 02:27:09 AM ---That's not your IP there, do    ipconfig /all    in the CMD, your IP is supposed to be somewhere under the 2nd title and above subnet mask =D

--- End quote ---
Before renew:

After renewing:


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