Other Shiz > Boneyard
Marked one kia abusing respected
I was playing on ttt today on the map lost temple so we slid down the slide and me and another player became stuck in each other. Another player who goes by "turd fergusin" killed the other player who was stuck in me and walked away without identifying the body so i preceded to kill him as I thought he was traitor, I almost killed him when Marked one kia came up to me and killed me, realizing that I was innocent he started a vote ban as seen here
I was trying to explain my side of the story to him but it was almost as if he muted me. Also arggg was there so he may be able to say something
all day you have RDM and propkill
reason is thare
gtfo w/ love pl0x
I have not! You haven't even been on so why dont you just gtfo?
Here is how it is Marked_one.
I dont see him propkilling or RDMing here. I see YOU RDMING. THEN YOU VOTEBAN HIM
First thing first. Dont fight RDM with RDM. That is retarded. Second thing, RDM is not bannable, I've fucking told you that like fifty times. This voteban was obviously abuse, but I cannot prove that he was not propkilling previously as you claim. If he is propkilling fine voteban him, otherwise, get the fuck over it.
as said many times before... mass rdm is bannable...
rdming 2+ people along witht eh detective before were able to put him down, is what i call mass rdm, every round, all day
also, i know this saying saying much, but if its as unanimous as it was...
i hope i spelled that right
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