Entertainment > Games

The fourm post game?

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Just came up with, this and it may be stupid what ever but here are the rules lol.

First you type what ever you want to in your post.
Then you type the name of the next person you want to post after you.
You can NOT post unless it is your turn (the last person to post says its your turn).
You can NOT vote for your self to post next, you would be dubble posting.
Once you make your post you can NOT modify the name of the person you put.
Also don't be a dick and vote for people who are not on a lot. (IE newfags and people who are on vacation)

*NOTE: don't be afraid to pick some one who has posted before*

Here we go I chose ArTIk*BaNAnA


I chose Ruben

Ruben never goes on the forum...
This game fails cause people are going to stop looking at it if their name isn't being called...
Yes I know I just ruined the game. idgaf

Oh then it's my turn, I choose ArTIk*BaNAnA =D
EDIT: OHSHHIIIII------ I just broke all the rules =O
I'll choose Pingaz O.o

I said not to talk unless u are chosen, Tho he is right plz don't chose ppl who are not going to look at this.

*If you wish to ask me somthing or talk to me pm me lol*
I chose Magic 


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