Entertainment > Games

All Points Bulletin[APB] Codes - Competition ! (End Date : 6 July 2010, Monday)

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Hooray! Here is your APB key!


For instructions to use your key, make your way to APB.com, and go straight to the Keys To The City page. All shall be revealed there, with instructions down the right side. The Key To The City event begins on Saturday 12th June, letting you into the open beta of Realtime Worlds' APB.

By some kind of arcane magic you will have automatically received a key for your part of the world. The full game is released on PC on 29th June in North America, 1st July in Europe, and 2nd July in the UK.

And now, here are some details about the game:

Imagine a living, breathing, modern city. Put this city online and populate it with thousands of players. Their mission: to gain fame and fortune, fast.

Many will become Criminals, supporting themselves by feeding on the citizens of San Paro. Others will choose to join the Enforcers and feed on the Criminals.

Imagine joining in. Which side will you pick? How will you play? The choice is yours.

Key features:

•              Experience fast-paced third-person action in a persistent online multiplayer world

•              Earn money, clothing, weapons, and cars as you play

•              Customize your character to achieve a unique look

•              Master the radically different styles of gameplay; Criminal and Enforcer

•              Gain real-life celebrity through in-game displays of your characters and designs

•              Become known as San Paro’s premier car thief, clothing designer, “death theme” musician, or assassin.

So go, play!

Enormous thanks to frog and Dark Water Studios who have made this key distribution software possible.

Love from,

Lulz, sorry.
It's over since the real game came out.
This are the codes for beta.



--- Quote from: dadlezlooc on July 03, 2010, 09:02:11 AM ---FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--

--- End quote ---
That was how I reacted when I saw that on the website?

My friend played the beta.....and IT SUX, it looks so awesome in videos, but in real it's crap, delay at turning with cars - you can't drive when it's a bit laggy, repititive missions, the only good thing is the customizing =\

Kind of dissapointing =\

Noale140 - FamilyGuyHasbro.flv


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