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ray would like these on becouse if its not, pedobear will rape me again. HELP


i would like to put forward a little rule suggestion about not shooting props with out good reason, and by this i mean not shooting just to remove it to get a better shooting position, people could try to move props to get inside a cade but not shoot them,

and on another note i want to say that i heard that people are getting rid of hammer and magnum, if you were to remove the beloved hammer you should make it so that props could have a little more health so they dont get destroyed as quick, and if you were to remove the magnum you should replace it with dual pistols or something along the lines of that. and by dual pistols i mean the proper ones with 30 bullets and fast shooting speed and good accuracy yet at the same time they are as weak as a peashooter or somthing. and instead of dual pistols you cold have a new melle weapon chance, eg stun stick which is really strong and semi fast like the real one in hl2, so this weapon would be better that all starter weapons, then theres a crobar option which is a god like crobar which is really fast for a melle weapon and maby an option to through them, they would be  weaker that a stun stick yet faster tghan the stunstick, both should knock back zombies pretty well.

and im just wondering why theres no zombine, its a really cool class, i remember the zombine on the old gu zs server, maby you could put zombine in for last round, they could have an alt attack like how poison zomb throughs its skin the zombine could pull out a ggrenade which will go off in 5 seconds and on top of that the zombine will gain speed when grenade is out and on top of thatb there would not be a head to shoot making it even harder. maby on rear occasion it drops a useable grenade.

Not shooting props without good reason? What?
And I never heard of the planned removal of neither the Hammer nor the Magnum.
Last, Zombine has been discussed before, it's most likely not going to happen.

You really need to work on your sentences and/or grammar, can't understand anything from the 1st paragraph.

i wrote it fast ok i have like 20 people im talking to on fb


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