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Servers with ads
Would any of you guys buy a T-Shirt. Be honest.
I always wear white shirt and jeans/shorts. I also only wear my 3 yr old running shoes or sandals so im not too fussy with clothing.
I dont like baggy shit though like those wanabe gangsta homos in the street with their pants down to their knees and their ugly, untasteful underwear showing and most of the time they usually have some ugly chick with them who doesnt know how to apply makeup properly and has all this mascarra and shiz making her look like a monster. and they usually wear their big hats to the side and have blings and chains and barf smell deo and and and... AAAAAAAAARGH
Yeah, i think that it would be fine to have an ad at the join or end of a server. For example, next to the map voting for TTT or zs place an ad.
>Downloading update of X game.
>Content hosting by: L4D
Do something like that.
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