Other Shiz > Boneyard

moo admin abuse >_<

(1/18) > >>

Moo has abused admin rights every time ive played with him, and i was banned for complaining that he was abusing

Player Lassie -INB4- left the game (Kicked by Console : "a")
[ADMIN] Moo: ill ban if i want lol
[ADMIN] Moo: see banned caboose
Wolf: what if i report an abusive nonadmin
[ADMIN] Moo: whos next?
Player HellishPanda left the game (Kicked by Console : "cry")
[ADMIN] Moo: hellishpanda
[ADMIN] Moo: lool
[ADMIN] Moo: whos next?
[ADMIN] Moo: keep crying about shit
[ADMIN] Moo: keep bitching
[ADMIN] Moo: no its cool
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : "a".
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : "a".


umm yea, everyone that was mic spamming was banned for 5 mins after being told many times to stop over admin chat for all to know.

sorry marked but QQ

we wernt spamming mic.
panda didnt talk
caboose didnt talk
and i said "you cant kick us for having a conversation that isnt about c4"

this is gonna fail utterly lol.

Can we please not get over all this again? It's Moo. End.


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