Creative Arts > Artwork/Graphics

Some Calligraphy Projects

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Looks nice, can you make   Dori   for teh lulz?
Put it at the bottom of your to-do list, I just want this cool shiz with mah name =D

Updated the to-do list with the requests I got from this forum. It might take me a few days to finish though because my supplies aren't working and I'll be getting new ones.

Double post bumpingas.
I tried out something new with calligraphy, just somewhat a different style.

Tried to make the text change a bit the further down the page it got, I think it came out pretty nicely.
EDIT: Right click and open image in new tab lol, too big. Also, sorry for the blurry parts, I scanned it from a book and I didn't want to rip the page out.

Hey, some people I talked to on a difference forum (human edge) said you had a real talent. Keep it up!


--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on July 15, 2010, 03:35:17 PM ---Hey, some people I talked to on a difference forum (human edge) said you had a real talent. Keep it up!

--- End quote ---
Thanks ^^.


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