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Hey wait a minute :(
Yesterday I was like "lol, my karma is still +0/-0" and I was semi-happy.
Then Frank was like "ohai now it's +1/-0" and I was like =D
So yeah now someone has given me a -1 -_-
I just want to ask why? :(
I mean, seriously what have I done for you to click a link that inflicts negative feelings towards me.
I'm serious, I just want whoever it was to explain to me because I try not to piss off anyone enough to be like that to me.
oh yeah and I'd also like to say THANK'S FRANK :3!!
Lol, don't take it so personally. Look at mine and BH's karma.
Someone else did it now :(
And I take it personally because for me I try to be friendly and nice towards everyone
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on June 28, 2010, 08:23:37 PM ---Lol, don't take it so personally. Look at mine and BH's karma.
--- End quote ---
Cheer for you too then.
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