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What is this I don't even
My grandfather had a heart attack today.
I have began too notice that I do not get sad about these things.
He was air lifted.
Everyone in my family went
I didn't want to go.
I feel like I am cold hearted,
But idgaf :I.
You were bred with cold blood like me
Fake crying and they'll think you're all right and you don't have to have the "are you all right?" talk
I also don't get sad on things I used to get sad on, but when it comes to family........why the hell you didn't want to go?
When my grandfather was in hospital in a near-death situation I was in the hospital every day sitting next to him, and family really helps in these situations, now he's ok, but seriously, you should go visit him =\
--- Quote from: ≡ Krashεr ≡ on June 28, 2010, 07:38:27 PM ---My grandfather had a heart attack today.
I have began too notice that I do not get sad about these things.
He was air lifted.
Everyone in my family went
I didn't want to go.
I feel like I am cold hearted,
But idgaf :I.
--- End quote ---
That's just cold.
--- Quote from: Khamria on June 29, 2010, 11:30:32 PM ---That's just cold.
--- End quote ---
He dgf about your comment either lol...
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