Game Servers > Wire Build Server


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Anyone know how I'm able to wire lights for my car i want it to be triggered with f botton, But all I'm able to get is for it to flash when i press the botton... So does anyone i know how i'm able to get it to stay lite up until i press the botton agian...

make a toggle-able light in wire

adv pod

put it on one of the keys


--- Quote from: ≡ Krashεr ≡ on June 27, 2010, 06:59:56 PM ---make a toggle-able light in wire

adv pod

put it on one of the keys

--- End quote ---

I did that but it just turnes on for like second then goes out... even if i hold the key it still does that... Only happens when i try hooking it to an APC...

Or made i messed up on making the toggleable light Lol but it did work fine when i just had it set to a botton



--- Quote from: Frank on June 27, 2010, 07:28:55 PM ---if(owner():+flashlight()==1){HL=1}

--- End quote ---

Hmm that just gives me E2 errors :(


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