Entertainment > Games

Post your TF2 Backpack!

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--- Quote from: =-Mastgrr-= on June 27, 2010, 08:33:02 AM ---O_O

wow, and i thought i was poor :/

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I thought I was poor.

I stopped playing TF2 (don't know why), so my Backpack sucks.


--- Quote from: frNk (: on June 27, 2010, 07:48:29 AM ---Then why the fuck are you posting here?

I's teh poorz :<

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I could ask you the same about other post of yours that aren't related to the thread at all, stop being a fag towards me.

Btw, I have PINGAZ TF2, can I get some stuff to my backpack on it? =O

If I remember correctly, pingaz'd TF2 doesn't have any unlockables at all. You would need to install a Guest Pass TF2 and then go pingaz'd again to have Unlockables.


--- Quote from: Don on June 27, 2010, 09:38:18 AM ---If I remember correctly, pingaz'd TF2 doesn't have any unlockables at all. You would need to install a Guest Pass TF2 and then go pingaz'd again to have Unlockables.

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Oh ok....meh I barely play TF2 anyways so not a big deal lawl

Oh and what are all these scrap metal and stuff there? Do you actually build your stuff or what?


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