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Random-Ass Prictures Of A Random-Ass Forest

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Title says it all lol. I was bored one day and I decided to go out in my back yard and head into the forest to take some photos :O. Also, I resized the images this time! :D

                            Teh Images                                      Teh Top 5 IMO :O

http://img694.imageshack.us/i/dsc0023vk.jpg/ ----------- favourite :O
http://img16.imageshack.us/i/dsc0024qt.jpg/ ---------------favourite :O
http://img404.imageshack.us/i/dsc0028nz.jpg/ -----------favourite :O
http://img804.imageshack.us/i/dsc0029.jpg/ -----------------favourite :O
http://img408.imageshack.us/i/dsc0048dn.jpg/ ---------- favourite :O

I was going to take some more pictures of a pond and corn field but it was right after a rain fall and the mosquitoes were raping me -_-.

EDIT: FUUUUUUU the pictures don't work -_-.
EDIT 2: Well you'll have to open each image in a new tab it seems to work for me :/.
EDIT 3: Never mind lol I changed images to url it better fuxing work for everyone else lol.

Lolwut bored Sabbath is bored lawl

>I went to the forest I have in my back yard

We dont have this feature in Las Vegas where there's just dirt.

When I get bored, instead of having an awesome forest adventure, I go into my back yard and roll in the dirt (not the kind of dirt you are used to, when I say dirt I mostly mean small rocks). Then I die of heat exhaustion. Because it is really hot and stuff like that happens here.


--- Quote from: Sanders on June 27, 2010, 01:57:31 AM --->I went to the forest I have in my back yard

We dont have this feature in Las Vegas where there's just dirt.

When I get bored, instead of having an awesome forest adventure, I go into my back yard and roll in the dirt (not the kind of dirt you are used to, when I say dirt I mostly mean small rocks). Then I die of heat exhaustion. Because it is really hot and stuff like that happens here.

--- End quote ---

Atleast you guys have a backyard >.<

yea bro


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