Other Shiz > Boneyard
Report || .:RND`=- BlaCkdeViL
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26100213
Name: .:RND`=- BlaCkdeViL
Information: Continuously Minging after being told to stop multiple times
Server: Wirebuild
Video: http://www.xfire.com/video/2eebc7/
Details: Was spawning explosive barrels and using igniter to make them blow up and kill people, was doing it inside my football field, and was doing it to kill Shawn and the others.
Witnesses: Shawn, Pierce Jr.
When: Today, about 7:00 PM
And now, this report will be taken seriously because it's not from Flood.
Ya I'm going to start taking videos too now I'm tired of fuckers coming and breaking my car I've been working on i lost 2 days of work because of it and its really pissing me off!
Krasher made a ban report?
May god have mercy on blackdevil.
Oh, wait-
I don't specify that I want them banned, demoted, or such. I a not the one to make those decisions. I just make the ones with that power aware.
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