Other Shiz > Boneyard

No css model/textures?

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Problem SOLVED. How it got solved: I joined this DDLfr zs server and i got my css things working back up......Admin please lock this


--- Quote from: TheGreatGuy on June 25, 2010, 08:43:46 PM --- new css update   

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Fuck i gotta search the internets for the updated GCF now!!!! FML

Idk ,everything from css works fine for me. At least for now...


--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on June 26, 2010, 06:08:36 AM ---Sometimes the css files don't link property with gmod. Make sure on the menu "Extensions" that css is check, then restart the game. If that doesn't work reboot, and if that don't reinstall gmod. btw I have no problems.

--- End quote ---

sheeps remember when all of them unchecked and i only had phx lol

when I got gmod all the other game textures just started downloading, not the games just the textures.


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