Other Shiz > Boneyard
RND myppl8 Abusing Respected - 2nd Report
People like him shouldn't get respected from first place, but the "respected giveaway" system here is shiz, we could prevent this from happening.
And there's no need to perma if he doesn't try to crash the server/curse admins/being a minge waaaayyyyy too many times.
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 04, 2010, 04:07:33 PM ---People like him shouldn't get respected from first place, but the "respected giveaway" system here is shiz, we could prevent this from happening.
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I agree.
a bit off topic but there is a NL 12 year old that goes by sami1234 that abuses respected when he T and gets RDM'd.... also never shuts his trap
I wish I had mute but I dont believe I have been here long enough to get admin sadface.jpg
--- Quote from: wesker on July 04, 2010, 05:23:09 PM ---I agree.
a bit off topic but there is a NL 12 year old that goes by sami1234 that abuses respected when he T and gets RDM'd.... also never shuts his trap
I wish I had mute but I dont believe I have been here long enough to get admin sadface.jpg
--- End quote ---
*Cough* Esc->Player List-> Mute *Cough*
yes yes yes I know but the chance he has something important to say like - omg this guy is shooti.... - then i want to know because 12 gauge to the face is no fun
Don't worry, everybody who abuses respected can either get demoted or they can learn their lesson and become great respected.
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