Game Servers > Winter Survival - Settlement Server
Rule Question.
Just wanted clarification on the rules about disruptive behavior.
I understand killing is part of the game mode, but since the game mode is more about survival, is excessive killing reason for a votekick/ban?
Reason I ask is because a few times I have been on and players join, start the round beating people with sticks, and throwing rocks. Then they make a sword as soon as possible and go on a killing spree. Then when we ask them to stop, they say "well the rules say killing and defending is encouraged."
So would excessive killing, as in starting to kill as soon as the round starts and not even trying to survive normally a reason to kick/ban someone? I was tempted to do a votekick, because this particular player was causing a lot of annoyance, and making people leave, but since i wasnt sure about the rules, I dont want my respected taken away because of a misunderstanding.
to me thats a grey area....
i guess it would depend on the kicker on at the time...
Me I'd allow him to have his fun for a bit but if he was doing strictly to be an ass and causing like everyone to leave I'll kick his ass.
I agree with you there.
I mean if he wanted to get some frustration out or something, and go on a rampage one round fine, but I think when you start for the 2nd or 3rd consecutive round of purely DMing and not trying to survive, I think that should be reason to kick.
The reason im asking though is I dont wanna get respected taken away for votekicking someone like this.
I think there should be a killing limit. Also, shorten the rounds.
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