Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Suicide bomb for Trouble in terrorist town server

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Their was never a Jihad Bomb on our TTT Server( maybe their was but i dont remember) ,but i would like for one to be added.

Yes, as well as Kamikaze planes and little people with turbans who run around and blow up, oh and if you could add some marsh arabs that come out of no where and stab people that would be great  :)
jk thanks

The Southern Cross:
would be nice i liekz kamikaze and watch people whine that i killed them all in one minute lol

You guys are idiots. The jihad bomb was on wirebuild...


--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on July 07, 2010, 08:54:34 AM ---You guys are idiots. The jihad bomb was on wirebuild...

--- End quote ---
And your sure of that? Im not saying it use to be on the server im just wondering if we could implement it.
Trouble in Terrorist Town Jihad
That is the jihad bomb in action on another ttt server.


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