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Wirebuild discussion with TBoy205

<< < (2/9) > >>

I dont play wire but when i did make things i always wanted to save them. Just having the option save is enough if thats possible.

Yomo minging =  True
Adv. Dupe restrictions = so cool

If getting Respected here was hard then I would understand him, but everyone can get Respected here, even minges, so Adv. Dupe should be restricted, though if you decide some day to give Respected only for "dedicated builders" then you should add a Save option for guests, though they shouldn't be able to paste their work.

» Magic «:
I have a life at the moment

Girl friend



End of school

Coolz is right about most stuff, i find, but he is right that there are not enough admins on sometimes...
Like you said, you have magic to take care of times GMT +1, +2, ...
But only magic is not enough :/


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