Other Shiz > Boneyard

Banned for no reason by Deathward

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Well just 2 minutes ago i was banned by vote for 60 minutes for killing myself with a prop by deathward and according to kragmoor i will be expecting a perma ban from deathward as well. Why? Enjoy my evidence in 1920x1080

--- Quote from: deathward on June 22, 2010, 02:06:45 PM ---Everyone know's that your going to go around RDM'ing at the last round, or if your karme gets too low, like you always do.

--- End quote ---

Ok so i can just go around assuming that people will rdm? So that how you get respected here.  :-\

oh and may i add this is not the first time he has banned me for no reason  :mad:

Everyone know's that your going to go around RDM'ing at the last round, or if your karme gets too low, like you always do.

It's not an assumption. It's a fact. But at this point, I really don't care. If I recall, didn't you say "I'll just have to make another pacsteam account then."?

I really don't care that the admins do to me, but I do ask one question: Why do you always RDM?


Doesn't the post about TTT rules just say that disrupting the game is bannable? Isn't killing an average of 7 people every map change dsrupting the game?

You have no evidence that you did propkill yourself... Itchi died before you, so you COULD have killed him, been killed, and were banned because you did RDM?

I have not rdmed in a very long time and i am limited by the chances you guys allow me to show you. So i guess i was banned not for prop killing but because people can only rely on their first impression.  :(


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