Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. > General Chat

Yes, I am here again...

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--- Quote from: Physik on June 21, 2010, 04:19:57 AM ---You, who are you?

You seemed like a good fellow :p

That'd depends on how many people want me back :\

I'll just start a poll

--- End quote ---

Lolwat poll, just come back who gives a fux if there are people that don't want you back, you're nice now and you aren't spamming, haters can keep hatin'.

» Magic «:
I want you back :P

Gime yo steam name lets go play gmod or something

If i have to tell the truth i missed you :/


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 21, 2010, 04:25:46 AM ---Lolwat poll, just come back who gives a fux if there are people that don't want you back, you're nice now and you aren't spamming, haters can keep hatin'.

--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure haters would keep on hating on George Bush if he came back lulz.


--- Quote from: Physik on June 21, 2010, 04:27:35 AM ---I'm pretty sure haters would keep on hating on George Bush if he came back lulz.

--- End quote ---

Lolwat you aren't Goerge Bush and these are just forums, many people here hate me but IDGAF, even if everybody here will hate me I won't leave if I won't feel like leaving.
(Even though the mods can ban me but meh lawl)

Okay, I'll stay here :p


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