Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Add this <add-on> to this <server>

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I started this post because after looking through files I saw some interesting sweps that would be nice in wirebuild. So to request a add-on place it into this format:

Name of Add-on: <name>
Size: <size>
Description: <info>
URL: <url>
Sever of Installation: <server>

example (and one of my request):

Name of Add-on: Buddy Finder 1.1
Size: 224.58 KB
Description: It allows for private in-game messaging and also buddy teleportation. With a accept and deny option.
Server of Installation: Wirebuild (

Please remove this post or inform me whether making a topic like this is allowed thanks.

Name of Add-on: Durgz Mod 2.2
Size: 3.12 MB
Description: This addon provides a small selection of drugs to use in the game. E.g. cocaine, LSD, PCP, weed, heroin, and stuff.
Sever of Installation: Wirebuild

Name of Add-on: Ragmorph 1.3
Size: 10.96 KB
Description: Please view the website below.
Server of Installation: Wirebuild (

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on June 20, 2010, 03:37:36 PM ---I started this post because after looking through files I saw some interesting sweps that would be nice in wirebuild. So to request a add-on place it into this format:

Name of Add-on: <name>
Size: <size>
Description: <info>
URL: <url>
Sever of Installation: <server>

example (and one of my request):

Name of Add-on: Buddy Finder 1.1
Size: 224.58 KB
Description: It allows for private in-game messaging and also buddy teleportation. With a accept and deny option.
Server of Installation: Wirebuild (

Please remove this post or inform me whether making a topic like this is allowed thanks.

--- End quote ---

Seems cool

--- Quote from: Frank on June 20, 2010, 05:34:09 PM ---Name of Add-on: Durgz Mod 2.2
Size: 3.12 MB
Description: This addon provides a small selection of drugs to use in the game. E.g. cocaine, LSD, PCP, weed, heroin, and stuff.
Sever of Installation: Wirebuild

--- End quote ---

No, More addons means more lag + load

--- Quote from: Pingaz on June 21, 2010, 12:36:44 AM ---Name of Add-on: Ragmorph 1.3
Size: 10.96 KB
Description: Please view the website below.
Server of Installation: Wirebuild (

--- End quote ---

Again no, We have our own little ragmod, Go SP with that to make machinamas, Again L+L

But ya it's coolz choice

yeah I figured that more add-ons would make it laggy o well.


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