Other Shiz > Boneyard

Ban Request

(1/2) > >>

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:3145989
Name:  dillonjhaslive
Information: Abuse of the votekick command.
Server: Zombie Survival, IP:
Video: Getting Kicked for "Speed Hax"
Details:  As seen in the video above, and one other time before I started recording.
Witnesses: None. Everybody believed that I was using speed hax
When: 6/19/10 ~8:30 AM

well it looks like you were speed hacking or they were all a bunch of asses.
PS: i wouldent use youtube for this because you could of cut out the parts of you speed hacking if you were

That little kids voice makes me want to eat my eyes out. who is this respected ive never seen him before but he is in for teh demotez, magic has taken care of eet yush.

Exigent Remorse:
A while back when I was playing Zombie survival I remember him saying the same thing to somebody and the same guy was beside me doing nothing.



Majoras mask:
dillon told me and krasher that he doesn't have respecetd


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