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Hello!! And a new map.
Hi! I just found the forums links, I play in the Flood Mod server, and the Sled Server. Mostly the FLood Server. My name in game is Butcher. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to Garry's Mod, but have been playing Source games for about 4 years. I have a suggestion. Instead of the map fishtank, I am currently making a flood map. It will be glitch proof, fixed spawn points, (no more "HIT ME PLEASE lol)
All I need to know is, how do I tie the build time, and then fight time? Do I just time it to how long the build time is, plus 10 seconds, and then the water rises?
Any suggestions, post here!!
I hope to be a part of this forum\server for a while. I was looking for a new game to mod, and I found one!!
Edit: Of course, only if the administrator allows me to build this map!!
It's no big deal, you can build anything you want xD
As for the water rising, I believe it is a lua event.
That is, as long as you make the water a door entity with proper movement, the lua will trigger the door.
If anybody knows more feel free to correct me!
Thanks and good luck!
Hey, bit of information here. Coolzeldad would be correct, don't know if you know lua, but its pretty straight forward if you know Hammer. :P
--- Code: ---function RaiseWater()
for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByName("water")) do
function LowerWater()
for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByName("water")) do
--- End code ---
If you're unfamiliar with lua, I'll try to explain.
Each function for raise and lower, finds ALL water entities named "water" on the map. Then fires "Open", and "Close" events... Much like doors. So, you basically just make the water, work like a door... The game mode itself will fire off the events, and magic... The water works. ;D
For instance, if you are in Garry's Mod. Testing your map single-player.
Run this command in console to test water raise.
--- Code: ---lua_run for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByName('water')) do v:Fire('Open','',0) end
--- End code ---
And run this command to test lowering it.
--- Code: ---lua_run for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByName('water')) do v:Fire('Close','',0) end
--- End code ---
Good luck, hope to see a good map!
thanks!! I knew I had to put water as water, because i decompiled atlantas and looked to see what they put. That helps me alot, because i was gunna set up flood mod server just to test it lol. Thanks!
lets say i make a zombie map but could some one convert it for me?
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