Other Shiz > Boneyard
Ban request.
An Elite:
.:RND--{XeroX}- has been, smashing people with props. Prop pushing, and using console commands to spawn gunships and striders to kill them in the fighting round. [this is flood I'm talking about] Ill provide some pictures.
Spawned a glados ragdoll hit our boat during round,
Oh and remorse helped.
He confesses
Ta da.
Incoming generic response:
Please provide
This is of course an ideal situation, but we need at least a steam id, along with console and picture proof OR demo.
Remember, you can record a demo by typing "record filename" in console.
as xerox, i would like to say this is hardly true. I will explain:
the first screenshot is me, however it was taken out of context.
i do occasionaly spawn, however, as you can see, it was not during a battle, and i only spawn while witching maps moastly.
the 2nd screenshot has nothing to do with this. that is not my oven, not my boat.
the 3rd screenshot is true, however i will provide a little context. Earlier today Exigent Remorse chose not to let cheese on his boat, for irrevelant reasons. however, cheese was getting on as Remorse did his best to block him. as I believe a boats passengers are at the descretion of the owner, and i was on said boat, I supported Remorse by pushing with a baby and later kicking cheese for the same reason after warning.
The true conflict here is between Cheese and Exigent Remorse. They are angry at each other for reasons unknown and irrelevant to me. As I am friends with Remorse and frankly I don't like Cheese's Voice, I support Remorse in this conflict. however, as I admitted to pushing him off a boat he was not welcome on, He is supporting a ban on me.
on a side irrevelant note, cheese said he was 12, or under 13. which, when joining you must be. so he is here under false terms.
you can find many people to back me up including but not limited to:
Exigent Remorse
Also, for whom it may concern, my steam id is:
my steam username is:
my account is here:
also the server was:
also it was 6/17/10
between 12-4 PM PST
also, i have never, ever, spawned a strider
--- Quote from: OSHIT on June 18, 2010, 02:37:10 AM ---As I am friends with Remorse and frankly I don't like Cheese's Voice.
--- End quote ---
He can talk? ???
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