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Metal Gear Solid: Rising
Majoras mask:
Metal Gear Solid: Rising Trailer - E3 2010 :o
I loved all of the mgs games but I wasn't able to play mgs4 because I don't have a ps3>:l
[spoiler]No moar snake D:[/spoiler]
--- Quote from: Majora's mask on June 17, 2010, 03:39:30 PM ---Metal Gear Solid: Rising Trailer - E3 2010 :o
I loved all of the mgs games but I wasn't able to play mgs4 because I don't have a ps3>:l
[spoiler]No moar snake D:[/spoiler]
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@_____@ jesus im so geting this
Lol at "What will you cut?"
What the hell is this crap? What happened to the days of tactical espionage action.
Majoras mask:
--- Quote from: Sanders on June 17, 2010, 04:26:54 PM ---Lol at "What will you cut?"
What the hell is this crap? What happened to the days of tactical espionage action.
--- End quote ---
nuu moarr snakkee :-[
Proudly Infected:
Pretty disappointed in the fact that snake is no more. but who knows. maybe somehow they took some kind of nanomachines in remnants of Big Boss's body and reversed the aging disorder producing effects that makes snake his actual age. but We'll never know. thats only my dream. but Raiden is a bad ass. so I'm getting this either way. (it will be mere shit unless they make it multiple disks for cockbawks 360 fan-boys, meaning it will be short unless its multiple disks) ps3 will still only need one disk since they are blu ray disks so im excited. but ANYWAY. Hideo Kojima love's to fuck with our heads so something great will come out of this game. it always does.
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