Other Shiz > Boneyard
Gohan Unbanned?
--- Quote from: gohan on June 20, 2010, 03:16:33 AM ---first off i dont hack and second dani u abuse ur powers
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Sure, all the Demos were fake and everyone united against you.
Yeah, gohan yesterday was trying to 'prove' he wasn't hacking by RDMing innocents >.>
and he said I was abusing my powers for starting a voteban on him after he RDMed 2 traitors in a row without a lick of evidence.
Then he said that I couldn't voteban him for massive rdm even though he RDMed like 3 people in only 1 round (and more before and after). He thinks he's getting my respected demoted, which I think is pretty funny.
gohan is a pretty cool guy
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on June 20, 2010, 10:17:22 AM ---Yeah, gohan yesterday was trying to 'prove' he wasn't hacking by RDMing innocents >.>
and he said I was abusing my powers for starting a voteban on him after he RDMed 2 traitors in a row without a lick of evidence.
Then he said that I couldn't voteban him for massive rdm even though he RDMed like 3 people in only 1 round (and more before and after). He thinks he's getting my respected demoted, which I think is pretty funny.
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he is right 3 people not very much i have rdmed 7 people in 1 round that massive rdm
Well I'm not sure that's something you want to go around saying hkill, but okay >.>
Still, that was 3 in only 1 round. He probably rdmed around 5 between any two rounds.
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