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Yo, The Unlucky God here.
Yo! The Unlucky God (Rummbottom, Jimm Rummbottom for any of you roleplayers out there.) I enjoy eating pizza's, staring out the window, creating random things in GMod.. Shooting zombies and / or nomming survivor's brains.... Oh! And smiting people. Mainly mingebags. Especially the ones that spam drunk combines.
Now you might be wondering at my name. The Unlucky God, yes, Unlucky. Chose the name because I was godlike at stalking the Left 4 Dead survivors (Die, Bill! Diiee!!), and because I was unlucky enough to have a crappy team every time. (Die, Noobs! Diiee!!) Of course, I have yet to find out why the 'The' is there yet.. Probably just to avoid the grammar nazis.
An important note for you builders! 'I DO NOT HAVE MOST GAMES!!' No Team Fortress, no CS:S or DoD or WTFGTHO or any of those crazy abbreviations. I got Half Life II so that I could get Garry's Mod, so I don't need millions of props spamming me with "Generating Spawn Icons" in order to build. So don't go about trying to show off your epic fifty-story sky scrapers made entirely with CS:S props. It'll just look like the Tower of Errors to me.
And another thing; If you play it, Lightning will come. PLEASE don't play music over your mic. Most of it just gets on my nerves and hurts my ears, so no. ._. No no no no.. No.
Now, about the real me... My mortal name is nunya beeswax, my mortal gender is, again, nunya beeswax. My mortal age is, although the same as my gender and name, is nineteen. ._. All of my friends are from roleplaying servers in Neverwinter Nights, so yes.. I like roleplay. In certain cases. Grammar is good! Use grammar. Or I smite thee. A lot. I'm no Nazi, but please don't ask me "how u bld that" x.x And on that note.. I like building vehicles. APC's, Tanks, Cars, Airplanes, so on so on. If it moves, I'll build it.
That's about all, so... Have fun building, killing mingebags, shooting zombies.. Being eaten by zombies. Whatever floats your boat.
Your godlike friend,
The Unlucky God
This is amazing
YOU win a record of 10 points!
The highest possible score to get!
+10 points fer U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to RND! blah blah blah, enjoy!
Sniffle wasn't really that clear....
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