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I'm Truly Surprised... (Admin Fail Stories - Non RND)

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um i think this should be moved to complaints not general, but that is just me. -_-

Why would it be in complaints when I'm complimenting RND's admins and explaining how fail other server's admins are? The comaplaint part has nothing to do with RND.

Majoras mask:
An admin on ECGamers banned me because they thought I was hacking in zs-.-. Sure is dumb admins in there.

hurray for RND admins.

This thread should be an official "Fail Admin Stories Thread" XD.

Majoras mask:

--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on June 16, 2010, 03:43:21 PM ---This thread should be an official "Fail Admin Stories Thread" XD.

--- End quote ---
Lol, I agree


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