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A tweak to the TTT karma system


Cake Face:
Heres the deal, Some innocent decides to guess your the traitor but begins shooting at you, but you just happen to kill him first and he only damaged you by 20 hp. You check his body and he is innocent. GOD DAMNIT.

Next round, you had a perfect 1000 you have 650-830. I think that if an innocent attacks you FIRST, you should be immune to karma loss for about 1 minute. Like a few people who I wont name, they went on an rdming spree and somehow you loose like 400 karma for killing them AFTER THEY BLEW OFF YOUR WHOLE ENTIRE TEAM.

I think it can be usefull.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: lolwut on June 16, 2010, 10:31:32 AM ---Heres the deal, Some innocent decides to guess your the traitor but begins shooting at you, but you just happen to kill him first and he only damaged you by 20 hp. You check his body and he is innocent. GOD DAMNIT.

Next round, you had a perfect 1000 you have 650-830. I think that if an innocent attacks you FIRST, you should be immune to karma loss for about 1 minute. Like a few people who I wont name, they went on an rdming spree and somehow you loose like 400 karma for killing them AFTER THEY BLEW OFF YOUR WHOLE ENTIRE TEAM.

I think it can be usefull.

--- End quote ---

1min is too long, Somebody can shoot someone in the leg and then work as a team to rdm spree

Maybe 10 seconds


*Shoots magic in leg*

Magic can now kill everything without any negative fall backs for about 1 minute
60 seconds
60,000 milliseconds
a couple trillion Planck time


--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on June 16, 2010, 11:54:25 AM ---1min is too long, Somebody can shoot someone in the leg and then work as a team to rdm spree

Maybe 10 seconds

--- End quote ---
Maybe 3 seconds

Cake Face:
Or be immune to only that person.


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