Creative Arts > Music

The "Rate the song above your post." thread

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LOL 8/10 because I love Will Smith and because it sounds so groovy lol   oh and also because I like Miami =P

The Qemists On The Run feat Jenna G HD

^ 7/10, a nice mix between techno and rock, sortof...
Codec 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Classic 158

Cake Face:
^ 7/10 thats actually pretty good for a techno song.

Make sure you at-least listen to the guitar solo's.

The End- The Beatles (Abbey Road)

^8.5/10 Classic Beatles, although not one of my FAVORITE beatles songs.
Deep Night 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Techno 187

i'm going to have nightmares about laughing girls. 5.5/10

The Police - Dont Stand So Close To Me


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