Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps


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Ive been experiencing noobs on RND.SO ITS TIME TO TAKE ACTION
Name:Noah smock

Ive been respected for a suitable amount of time,and ive been wanting Admin

I will control the minges in servers

I vow never to be a minge if this is accepted

I would help people in all the servers *unless i don't want to :D*

Had admin experience twice in other servers

Breaking minor rule:Warning:2nd Warning:Kick:Ban

Major Rule:Warning:Ban

People like me  ;D

I'm Very mature for my age  :angel:

Cookies for everyone if im admin
RND Rox my Socks!

I hope you liked me Application ^^




--- Quote from: Piecejr on June 09, 2010, 07:46:46 PM ---Ive been experiencing noobs on RND.SO ITS TIME TO TAKE ACTION
Name:Noah smock

Ive been respected for a suitable amount of time,and ive been wanting Admin

I will control the minges in servers

I vow never to be a minge if this is accepted

I would help people in all the servers *unless i don't want to :D*

Had admin experience twice in other servers

Breaking minor rule:Warning:2nd Warning:Kick:Ban

Major Rule:Warning:Ban

People like me  ;D

I'm Very mature for my age  :angel:

Cookies for everyone if im admin
RND Rox my Socks!

I hope you liked me Application ^^


--- End quote ---

I know you and you're a nice person, but I remember that sometimes you were a bit mingey, though that was a long time ago, haven't seen you for a long time lawl
Ummm......put more info about yourself (look at other successfull admin apps and learn from them) also be more active on the forums so more people will know you better.

My vote is 0 for now, you're a nice guy but I don't know you enough/don't think you should be admin right now.

Nein.du bist ein Niemand klar, dass es gar nicht beachtet werden sollten

Die ganze Zeit über noobs Sie reden, wenn du dich ein noob sind


--- Quote from: Commander Moon on June 09, 2010, 10:31:35 PM ---Nein, wenn ich dich nicht haben gesteuert, so klar, du bist ein niemand, dass hier nicht sein sollte

Die ganze Zeit über Sie reden über noobs wenn Sie sich selbst ein noob sind

--- End quote ---

Dude, there's a german forum for german talking, talk English here pl0x.


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