Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions


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--- Quote from: Shawn on June 09, 2010, 04:47:14 PM ---Can you make me a special Gay-Boy hat just for me? It would be awesome to kill zombies as a Gay-Boy Lol

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: hkill415 on June 09, 2010, 06:01:36 PM ---I'm gay and love to suck cock :D

--- End quote ---

Hmm ok... and you felt like sharing that with us why?


--- Quote from: Frank on June 09, 2010, 12:50:59 PM ---Haxx0r among haxx0rs: Kill a Super Admin/the owner.

--- End quote ---


This sounds interesting, it will have to be planned out though.

I think it will go on list :p

devvybabe ♥:
YAY coolz!

Also smasters is obsessed with hat and!

--- Quote ---Wood rage: kill 10 zombies with plank
More than just carpentry: use 1000 nails
That's not a machine gun: fire 2000 bullets with pea shooter
Zombie god: Eat 10 human brains in one game
--- End quote ---

Except the last one - i asplodedate 12 human brains ! :D


--- Quote from: Kräsh∑r on June 09, 2010, 04:45:36 PM ---Zs Update Will Include:

* Weapons
* Zombie Classes
* Hats
* Achievements
* VGUI updateSo get over it.
- Krasher (RND Zs Dev Team leader)
Tomcat you suck balls and you know it.

--- Code: ---local killed = achievements.GetValue( "Hard Wood", "total", 0 )

   local ply = LocalPlayer()
   if ( !ValidEntity( ply ) ) then return end
   local wep = ply:GetWeapon()
   if ( !ValidEntity( wep ) ) then return end

local function PlayerKilledNPC( msg )
   local victim, inflictor, attacker = msg:ReadString(), msg:ReadString(), msg:ReadEntity()
   local ply = LocalPlayer()
   if ( ValidEntity( ply ) && wep:GetClass() == "weapon_zs_plank" ) then
      if ( killed != 10 && attacker == ply && victim == ply ) then
         killed = math.Clamp( killed + 1, 0, 10 )
         achievements.SetValue( "Hard Wood", "total", killed )
         achievements.Update( "Hard Wood", killed / 10, killed .. "/10" )
   return victim, inflictor, attacker
usermessage.AddHook( "PlayerKilledNPC", "Achievements.CantTouchThis", PlayerKilledNPC )

achievements.Register( "Hard Wood", "Kill 10 zombies with the plank.", "achievements/hardwood", killed / 10, killed .. "/10" )
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Krasher we would have to make it so it sends all of the players info to teh MySQL database
Not Hard

or we could have it just write to a file
no biggie

who died and amde you zs dev lol i suggest joint pos


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