Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

Carline For Admin

(1/7) > >>

Applying for admin - Was gunna to apply back in 2009 when Coolzeldad made a film server for me. (Btw thanks for that coolz if you read) Anyway on to information.

My In-game name: Car-line or Carlineee! (I change)

Steam ID: Killercarline - STEAM_0:0:16581373

My age is 17.

Birth date:  22nd September 1992.

I mainly play TTT and sometimes Zombie Survival

Being an admin would be a nice privilage to have when playing, as i see many greifers and players breaking rules on the TTT server.
I respect the RND servers as there is some genuinely nice people running them and would love to be apart of it.
So i hope you take a look at my application and approve it.
Thanks :)

devvybabe ♥:
Add a poll??

I have honestly never seen you ... o.o
But that's my fault it seems :0

LAWL, you look nice and all, but SERIOUSLY, you have only 1 fuxing post, I have no idea who you are, you didn't put a poll and MOAR INFO.

You have 0% chance of getting luck, kthxbai.

Btw, -1.


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 09, 2010, 10:21:12 AM ---LAWL, you look nice and all, but SERIOUSLY, you have only 1 fuxing post

--- End quote ---

Since when does post count have anything to do with ingame?

PS Add a poll

PSS i should make an Admin app Lmao


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