Other Shiz > Boneyard
Jack of Blades
# 892 "[V2K] Jack of Blades" STEAM_0:0:793787 54:45 75 0 active
*DEAD* (TEAM) [V2K] Jack of Blades: fuckin made that rdm'er rage quite
TTT server, 10:30 PM, 6/8/10, Witnesses: imasillypiggy
After player "Me" killed Jack when he was a T, Jack started RAEGing and revenge RDMed Me 3-4 times in a row right as round started until Me quit. The above quote is what he said after Me left, and if people make such a big deal over the whole "cyberbullying" thing, I thought I might as well make a quick post on forums.
I remember once I was trying to shoot a traitor, and Jack ran RIGHT in front of me, and I ended up killing him. Turns out, he was a traitor too. Started bitching at me, threatened me with ban, blah blah blah, you know the rest.
A picture or video would be nice.
Becuase now the report is really weak since you don't have any proof.
He keeps telling me he's not a "nice" person, when I go near him he suddenly starts shooting me. (Is my grammar perfect?)
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