Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps


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Hello everybody, how are you doing. I am doing okay myself. I would like to introduce myself. My name is argggg.

Welcome. Welcome to City 17 RND.
You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers Online Communities.
I thought so much of City 17 RND that I elected to establish my Administration Membership and Respected rights here in the Citadel forums so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors Admins.
I have been proud to call City 17 RND my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17 RND.
It's safer here.

This extremely original and creative introduction speech written entirely by me :D


--- Quote from: Commander Moon on June 08, 2010, 09:13:53 PM ---Well hey there arg
welcome to random
I'm Commander Moon,previously nurse choucho,here is the coding to how I will be trolling you on fine,sexy forums

Purple/blue with a white glow is normal
While white indicates that I'm in Juggernaut mode,at which my trolling will increase
10 fold!
Along with white writing I'll also post pics like this

This ussualy mean you're in a very dangerous area of my hate
And are about to be Silver Angel/Dragon Boy'd

While red/green will indicate I am in dragon mode,which is usually when I'm listening to techno/megatrance
and I will post pics like this

This will usually mean you're Deviant or in a very good area of my hate

Don't wanna be trolled?
1.Don't be sexist
2.Don't be mean to deviant
3.Don't be a complete moron to the point that krasher calls me and says I need to troll you
4.Don't be Silver Angel


Welcome to RND,be sure to check out my helpful guides,located in the general discussion

--- End quote ---
..... *Takes out barret from mw2 and pops 3 rounds to juggernaughts head*  Don't be a hater to dragons. Oh and I don't have a " 'd " after my name.

Oh and welcme to the fourms arg be sure to hunt the trolls (They like to hide in caves, so look for a hole on the fourms and maybe u will find a campfire)

*Shooks Head...

Wow. You guys are really great. I am so happy to be on this forum. I don't mean to be too much of a pain but can I be respected. Thank you very much.


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