Other Shiz > Boneyard
Need an unban
I was banned from the server by DeathWard out of pure vain from me making a mistake and him disregarding my apology. I was playing perfectly by the rules, had perfect karma, had not killed a SINGLE PERSON. I would also like my respected powers back as they have not been abused on my part, but on his or whoever banned me.
Don't blame him and bans are only one hour so...
Majoras mask:
He didn't ban you.
Bullshit. I'm not even respected. How the hell did I get you banned? The only way you would get banned is if: Someone ELSE starts a vote ban, and THE MAJORITY of the people vote YES. And you cant put any blame on me since I opted out of the vote.
Interesting. Why did it say you voted yes?
The only person that voted no was Shined.
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